Eventasaurus allows the user to plan an event with ease. Eventasaurus’ allows the user to have one main place to access features that includes browsing venues and reservation spaces, easy theme planning, lists to ease worry and frustration around amount of supplies, and allows for collaboration between users.
UI/UX Designer &
UX Researcher
Figma, Figjam
April 2024-June 2024
Designs have to start somewhere!
Low-fidelity Wireframes, but first research!
Every idea begins with research.
Like every good designer, I started with seeing what kind of interest there was in an event planning platform.
Elements I used to conduct my research:
Competitor Analysis
User Interviews
Affinity Mapping
Created POVs and HMWs
User Persona Creation
User Flows and Task Flows
Project Goals
All of these elements of research created a strong foundation for my designs.
Competitor Analysis
This analysis allowed me to find what is already out there to gauge if there was a need for a new design or not.
User Interviews
Interviews were conducted through an open-ended survey due to a time constraint.
Affinity Mapping
The purpose of affinity mapping was to find the pain points for this project and find the main ideas that I needed to focus on.
Point of View Statements and How Might We Questions
I thought that reserving space information was kept updated on a regular basis, but after talking to people I learned that reservation websites are not always updated or updated in a timely manner; therefore, I would like to explore options that can help keep reservation information accurate.
How might we keep reservation information updated regular?
How might we allow for one-on-one conversations and group chats?
Customers are using Microsoft Teams like a discord channel when they are working in a team/group; so therefore, I would like to explore ways that allows the user to have one-on-one conversations and group conversations when they are collaborating with others.
User Personas
User Flows
Project Goals
Task Flows
Site Map
Just before the designing can begin, a site map is useful in order to create the best user navigation.
Now the Designing Begins
Since this was my first full run through of a UI/UX design project, I followed the assignments that were given to me in order. My main designing process was trial and error based on assignment guidelines and feedback, especially when it came to the visual designs.
Usability and user testing was conducted. The testing results contained a few prototyping errors and a few visual dislikes. I conducted usability and user testing to make sure my designs work cohesively.
Logo Font Change
During my user testing I found that most users found that the typeface looked to similar to the rest of the text. The logo font did not stand out. Therefore, my iteration was to make the typeface stand out from the rest of the text.
Tile Option Change
Results from user testing included that users though the option for a Room was already covered, but what about casual business events or parties? I changed the Room option to Amusement because that wasn’t covered and it covers casual business events and parties.
This project’s purpose was to teach me all of the things that goes into UI/UX design. While research is not my strong suit, I know that the more thorough the research is the better the foundation of the design will be.
I most enjoyed designing and getting feedback about my work. My designing process includes making changes based on what users think because they are the ones that are going to be using. I learn best with feedback and experience/practice. I want to find my own style of designing, but also understand how to stay in the same style to an already established brand while adding a new feature.
This project allowed me to think through the design process for developing a new website and app. This project can always be improved upon. All of my designs change with my comfortability with UI design and feedback.